‘A hellish landscape’: Terrible conditions in Gaza leave multitudes of amputees

Bleeding and crying, Dr. Hani Bseso’s teenage niece, Ahed, called out to him as she drifted in and out of consciousness. A shell had destroyed his house, which had been surrounded by Israeli troops while fighting raged outside that December day. It was too dangerous to drive five minutes to Al-Shifa Hospital, where Dr. Bseso, 52, worked in orthopedics. So he grabbed a kitchen knife, scissors and sewing thread and then amputated Ahed’s leg at…

"‘A hellish landscape’: Terrible conditions in Gaza leave multitudes of amputees"

More women in Africa are using long-acting contraceptives, changing lives

On a busy day at the Kwapong Health Center in rural Ghana, Beatrice Nyamekye placed contraceptive implants in the arms of half a dozen women and gave eight or nine more a three-month hormone injection to prevent pregnancy. Some looked for condoms or birth control pills, but most wanted something longer lasting. “What they like the most are the implants and injections,” said Ms Nyamekye, a community health nurse. “It frees them from worry and…

"More women in Africa are using long-acting contraceptives, changing lives"

Shelters against explosions and drone jamming: a Russian city adapts to war

As Alina waited for the bus that would take her to her family’s weekend home outside Belgorod, she made sure to wait deep in the concrete shelter built earlier this year around the stop. It had been almost six months since she and her 8-year-old brother Artem were nearly injured in an attack in Belgorod’s central square on New Year’s Eve, when 14-year-old Alina had taken him ice skating. . “We were lying down, covering…

"Shelters against explosions and drone jamming: a Russian city adapts to war"

As China pressure mounts on Taiwan, outgoing US envoy urges firm hand

Near the end of three years as the top U.S. representative in Taiwan, Sandra Oudkirk has parting advice: Avoid panic over China’s language and combative measures, but don’t become numb to the risks. Oudkirk has been Washington’s de facto ambassador to Taiwan during a time when the island’s democracy has become a crucible of tensions between Washington and Beijing. China claims that Taiwan is its territory and must accept unification, by armed force, if leaders…

"As China pressure mounts on Taiwan, outgoing US envoy urges firm hand"

Monday Briefing – The New York Times

Israel announced a daily pause in some fighting The Israeli military said yesterday it would suspend daytime military operations near a border crossing in southern Gaza “until further notice” to allow more humanitarian aid to enter the enclave. Aid groups have issued increasingly urgent warnings about a lack of food and other basic goods. The announcement, made during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, came amid a series of negotiations, mediated by the United States,…

"Monday Briefing – The New York Times"

Monday briefing: Israel plans daily pause in some fighting

Israel announces daily pause in some fighting The Israeli military said yesterday it would suspend daytime military operations near a border crossing in southern Gaza “until further notice.” The move is an effort to allow more humanitarian aid into the enclave, as aid groups issue increasingly urgent warnings about a lack of food and other basic goods. The announcement, made during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, comes amid a flurry of negotiations, mediated by…

"Monday briefing: Israel plans daily pause in some fighting"

More than 80 countries support talks to facilitate the path to peace in Ukraine

Dozens of countries at a two-day summit in Switzerland joined Ukraine on Sunday in calling for a “dialogue between all parties” to end the war with Russia. But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he remained firm in opposing any negotiations that would require his country to cede territory. The weekend summit drew dignitaries from some 90 countries to a Swiss alpine resort; Russia was not invited and, therefore, China and Brazil declined to participate. At…

"More than 80 countries support talks to facilitate the path to peace in Ukraine"

Israel says it will reduce fighting in part of southern Gaza: Latest News

The announcement came seemingly out of nowhere on Sunday when it was first published through the Israeli military’s English and Arabic channels: the army would “pause” its fighting during the day along a major humanitarian aid corridor in the southern Gaza until further notice. Amid some immediate confusion about the scope of the pause, a clarification quickly followed, this time in Hebrew and apparently for internal consumption. The change does not mean a cessation of…

"Israel says it will reduce fighting in part of southern Gaza: Latest News"

14 Jordanians die in intense heat during Hajj pilgrimage

Fourteen Jordanian pilgrims died while performing rituals related to the Hajj, a sacred journey to Mecca in Saudi Arabia that Muslims are encouraged to make once in a lifetime, Jordan’s official news agency said on Sunday. The pilgrims died as a result of exposure to extreme sun and heat, the agency said, based on a report from Jordan’s Foreign Ministry. In Mecca, temperatures reached nearly 110 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday and recent studies have indicated…

"14 Jordanians die in intense heat during Hajj pilgrimage"

The green ones are dead. Long live the Greens!

There’s no sugarcoating it: losing a third of their seats in the European Parliament elections last week, the Greens collapsed. In recent years, the European Union has become the world’s most ambitious frontier in the fight against climate change. It did so through major policy changes, such as setting high targets to reduce emissions, preparing to move away from combustion engines, boosting nature restoration and curbing agriculture’s effect on the environment. Green parties in all…

"The green ones are dead. Long live the Greens!"